
Disconnect the swaybars yo!

Now playing

Please Andrew, you don’t want to make a mess right?

But would you take the awning off the Jimny, or the Jimny off the awning??

Was a passenger in a Toyota Cargo van to a beerball tournament with all the back doors open;

Well, I was out driving. ‘Cause you know how much I love driving. When suddenly, I had to take the *biggest pee in the world*! So I went to this washroom...

That reminds me, I’m almost out of Stum-Ease..

This is going to be awesome when I’m walking the dog with my Fenix..

I can’t put your shoes on, Daddy’s driving..

Classic, Rehabilitating, Under, The, Car, Helper..

I used VHT Flame proof on a few sets of wheels, they have a sweet matte finishe and it’s super tough paint.

1976 CT90.. My Dad’s ‘retirement hobby’ is finding these and restoring them. He’s saved four so far, has three more in parts, and is currently working on a Honda 50.

pfft, Justy is for peasants.. Now the Chaser, that’s a fine automobile..

Apparently he should have spent the fourth year working on the ramps..

Agreed, my kids fall out of theirs at foot speed all the time; I would stance it but it needs to be able to cross the lawn..

Great article, and timely! We have two little kids, our three year old Son has been into emerg twice with croup, so we know the drill.. our two year old Daughter had avoided it until last week..

2008 Forester here as well, 90,000km and no complaints. Bought it as a young married couple just starting out - now it does daily family (2 kids and a 60lb lab) driving duty with a few rallies thrown in.

can’t they make those things float?

We have a Tacoma and a Forester. Honestly the Forester handles 90% of our backroads around here, does rally duty, and is comfortable.. If we know where we’re going it’s an easy day in the Forester. When it come to the overgrown, off-kilter, where-does-that-road-go? times the Subaru just isn’t enough, those are Tacoma