I was! I LOL'd with the fourth generation clone thing.
I was! I LOL'd with the fourth generation clone thing.
hahaha, that was a funny way of describing it!
No drop means no dubstep. I'd call that ambient, although there are as many electronic music genres as songs, times listeners.
Ever since they start calling them driving lights suddenly everybody needs them. And the dicks sue them instead of headlights because it looks cool.
Just like the his original day off. "Honda CR-V, a perfect vehicle to chase your most boring dreams".
Cesar Milan approves!
Relax, I think he was just using it as a way to exclude shells and focus on more usable insulated jackets. The kind you would wear in an urban environment, where you won't be out for long periods of time.
nope [jalopnik.com]
ugh, BX??
That's a good question. My motorcycles will shut themselves off after reaching, I think, 250F.
There's a 10% discount if you upload a picture of yourself with the Beta of their logo over-imposed as glasses. 20% if you upload a picture of yourself wearing one of their products. And you're paying for limited series made in San Francisco, not mass produced in a huge facility in Vietnam.
It's missing "Are you a militia/rebel group looking for a mount for a .50cal/AA/RPG?"
Deploy the lasers!
After reading about how NASCAR tries to level the field I have a little more respect for the competition. I like that the teams can go see each other cars, so there's no "arms race".
I hate these so-called papers, which only objective is add a publication to your resume.
Some driver don't do any better.
Crack Pipe!!! oops. not Jalopnik.
Tickets, who want tickets, I want track days!!
Maybe glue was also involved.
Hey Raphael, you forgot the #xanderbait tag!