
That's what I though until I rode RA in real life. It had nothing to do with my favorite track at Forza and I got lost trying to match the game with the real thing. Probably, the most different turns are 1, 2 and the back straight feels shorter in real life.

LOL'd at the screaming at 9:04

Judging by his setup, racing line and the fact that he's wearing nomex gloves in his game room, that must be the same guy that crashed his $140K Ducati.

Wow, that would scare me, even if I lived by a bomb disposal range.

LOL, I watched the show yesterday. I found funny that the guy claimed to have built a long distance rideable bike, although it shared seating position with a toilet and had to peek around the bars to see the road ahead.

UD replicas is at it again. This suit would fit perfect on a bike from OCC, all looks, no function.

I was going to post that same video. Insane!

Parking in handicap spots and other safety violations should carry mandatory towing, no flatbeds, of course. And if tickets were given according to declared income, like in some Northern European contries, he would be more respectful.

I did not know about the +anything, thanks!

I see. It's probably to avoid phishing, but the "ignore periods" rule is still causing a lot of trouble. We need more unique names!

Gmail ignores periods in email addresses, thus making first.last and firstlast the same email address.

I just found the Chaparral 2G, with active aero from 1967

Hey, Ferrari, this 1968 Nissan wants his revolutionary active aero back. And I'd say they were even earlier examples of the idea.

AFAIK, the only technical changes are the mandatory vertical exhausts and the height of the front wing. I'm afraid it's going to be to be another landslide for Newey and Vettel.

Fitting story for the No Fucks Given Ttuesday going on at oppoland.

Owners try to make up for their smaller one, so it qualifies.

I finally watched The Social Network and laughed at how Zucks was against ads on FB back then.

Actually, most camera sensors are sensitive to IR wavelentghs and use cutoff filters. You can do some warranty voiding tinkering and remove the filter.

как босс! - like a boss!