Burrito, taco, taco, burrito, taco!!
Burrito, taco, taco, burrito, taco!!
At 1:55 you can see it's more than vertical and it goes down -121 degrees with the horizontal.
Ray, you broke his link too. It points to [hellforleather.com] instead of [hellforleathermagazine.com]
I'm more afraid of hurting myself mountain biking than motorcycling.
HOONING. You're doing it wrong.
this one is pretty impressive.
I just got an invitation from a nice dude called Ralph van den Berg, but I got a message saying that G+ is at full capacity. :(
This has always been cool.
They did.
Like so many other before him, he should have don more research before stepping into mud.
That trooper was super nice and had a lot of patience. He gave him a fair chance to complete any of the tests and explained several times what was going to happen next. Kudos to him!
Thanks, now I just need to figure out how to watch it at work before it's taken down.
You can see the reflection of the house on the side of the car all all the time.
Of course! I read and field test the manuals and procedures I write before they're official. There's always something you might have missed.
Who remembers that lap with a pair of swearing Brits on a Skyline or STI? I think it was featured on Jalopnik.
Submission #2: Ghost Rider
Submission #1: Viper ACR
That last link abut sex toys reminded my of this clip from Louie.
They don't have them because the high compression makes them very difficult to push start (no starter engine there) if you go down. Keeping the bike running give the rider a chance to go back to the track if the fall doesn't brake anything important.