I can't understand why the European branches of those labels have come to an agreement with Spotify, but they're unable to do so in the US.
@The Second Spitter: +1
@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: That's not the bike's fault.
@grzydj: Same sh#t. People are way too distracted when they have one free hand and foot. It give too much room to do anything else while driving, or thinking that the car would drive by itself. Anything!
Yet another reason to ban CVTs.
Thanks Jalopnik, I was tired of new so-called Lotus. I can go to bed happy today.
@jalopnikfan: Those aren't mirrors, but cameras.
@horspowr1001 - Highway to the AutoZone: COTD material right there
It's a good thing that Lotus is introducing all these models so early. They're giving true Lotus fans time enough to get one of the current models before they all complicate and add weight.