
LBJ was fat back when everyone smoked. In post cigarette america, hed be below avg.

Hes really not. But some cash is. And the cavs get a roster spot.

Fair. Gaga is certainly more accessible. But Bjork is the weirdo’s weirdo. Gaga is the weirdo for the rest of us.

From the US, center looks pretty fucking good...

OP said something about B’s “ability to impact music”. That’s what I was responding to- nothing to do with singing ability.

Not a wedgie, ledgie, or a pigeon. We need a ruling from Tas and Skeets.

I don’t know shit about hockey, really, or these two dudes specifically, but the goalie started it, right? Seems like kind of a dick.

Kickin it OLD SKOOL. I wonder what percentage of the Jez audience gets that one.

I don’t understand this comment.

Maybe he’s got a daughter. That’s why this 46 year old straight white dude watched.

Starred, but straight?

No shame in that.

But, all the white ladies on facebook say she’s the best and pretend they are her friend.

This is true. Bey looks great and is a good singer and interpreter of other’s songs. Also, white ladies now like her.

How old are you? Mariah in her prime could sing circles around Beyonce. She’s a showoff, and that whistle-register shit gets real old real quick, but really an incredible singer.

Madonna was more influential by several orders of magnitude.

I once heard Battier on Zach Lowes podcast and he said if Deandre Jordan and other shitass free throwers didnt try shooting granny style, they were bad teammates.

Dont fuck with the McPoyles. They know their bird law.

I would dig the hell out of that.

Veep was funnier before it was a documentary.