Bruno Mars is a beautiful man. Beautiful skin, Perfect teeth, dimples for days.
Bruno Mars is a beautiful man. Beautiful skin, Perfect teeth, dimples for days.
I love Rattraps Porkfingers.
Wasnt me, man. It was racist-ass cousin Festus.
Kidd could shoot by the end.
I watched enough Harden over the last two seasons to grow to hate his game (the ballhogging, constant flailing for free throws, etc.)
It’s green and it folds.
Not pictured: Mr. Fentanyl.
Definitely not alone. Total dick move. Like his hat though.
Is this a cool thing to do?
I’d say “Who fucking cares?”
Update: the Browns did not wn a game today.
Whatever about this movie, but the post states that office Christmas parties often turn into fun nights.
I think the birthday thing is some kind of Jehova’s Witness deal. I knew a kid when I was in grade school who was a Witness and I remember that’s the way his family rolled.
I had a corned beef sandwich, and had one of those burps where you throw up a little.
Goddammit, Boomer, let the man talk.
The same thing occured to me as i was watcing Chelski-Citeh. I hardly knew myself.
Biggest cunt in football (non-John Terry division).
A contemporary what?
I wouldnt wear a tie clip if you paid me. I usually just tuck the little part in my shirt