I would say she might be another Andrea if she learns to shoot, hopefully they wont make her as silly though.
I would say she might be another Andrea if she learns to shoot, hopefully they wont make her as silly though.
Exactly! Carol rocks! I hate it when they try to say she went crazy or whatever by killing the 2 that got sick too- she was trying to save everyone. It could easily have gone the other way. After she saved everyone at Terminus, she should have been the leader
Yes, I agree on the dialogue, thats a good assessment! Thanks God these last few eposodes are so much more interesting than walking in the woods, but yes, the dialogue is usually just bad. I get that Scott Gimple has a vision, but Surely they can afford to add some new writers who are good with dialogue? Also thank…
Hi, thanks for that link I love it! Yea For some reason, Carol is the only character in my opinion, that they have written to be believable as a real person, allowing her to display some humor, ie " wanna fool around ? And "I liked you first." And that little hit of humanity has been missing from all characters…
I love them as a "couple" if they allow Daryl to have be normal like he was in season 2 , 3, and 4 before they left the prison. He was quiet but not a monlsyllabic weirdo like they made him out to be following the burning of the prison.
I kind of hope Daryl's silly and IMO unrealistic and one dimensional "im a redneck…
Really enjoyed this review because you nailed some things that have been annoying me for a long time! I have really enjoyed this show, and want it to be so much better than it has become. The writers write everything like its for a 6 yo and always basic basic themes, nothing possibly subtle. Me: cant stand the baby,…
I am watching this episode for the first time and so I know you all commented a while ago.
About the episode CLEAR: just need to say that I dont get how so many reviewers think Lennie James is a great actor. I thought he was awful in the pilot with his overacting scene about not killing his wife, just totally made me…
God I hope they let him die , and the baby too., hope she has a miscarriage after falling down or something please stop the madness andnext year make Carrie a serious agent again!
Showtime writers just love to get someone pregnant and screw up a good show! Ie Dexter, Weeds. Im watching a show about the CIA, about a…