
I don't know anything about Dr. Who, but the feminist and homosexual agenda are impossible to miss. The fact that even when the writers admit that they are pushing these agenda that you still can't see it is baffling. For instance, the fictitious character, Helen, is an feminist poster child. She is presented as

How many of these "4000" do you know about or see in this series? Get real. This show revolves around about a half dozen characters. The homosexual issue is pushed to the forefront. The lesbian affair has received more attention than the work on the bomb. If you can't see that the homosexual and feminist agenda is

If you were going to create a TV series based upon atheistic existentialism, you could not find a better series than Manhattan. Abby's reading of a book espousing French existentialism is like waving a red flag. That is why the characters in the series are so unlikeable and seriously flawed. That's how

My problem with "Manhattan" is that the science takes a back seat to the social agenda of the writer. It is more like 2014 with 1943 choreography. The pushing of homosexuality and feminism is off the chart. Manhattan tells me more about the writer than the actual events and persons involved in the Manhattan Project.