
Except that many/most of us (not that I agree with “apologists”) like the singleplayer/NPC thing, and aren’t interested in PvP. So even though I’ve played everything from Morrowind to FO4, this isn’t really on my list.

The Problem is it took 2 $20 DCL and then a $40 DLC to get it to this state and people are just over it. 

If I’m not mistaken, you answered your own question in the previous paragraph. Who is any product truly for in this grand Capitalist utopia we hold so dear?

The problem isn’t with the ‘wait and see’ crowd. It’s with the scores of players that felt burned yet again by Destiny 2 and it’s Year 1 content. They’re not waiting to see what the future looks like, they’re done with the series for good and aren’t looking back. And Activision, as with any publisher, is too insulated

Probably has something to do with the fact that they turned a $60 game into a $140 one with 3 expansions. Who fuckin thought that would work again?

Mobile games are not fit for big marketing events like BlizzCon or E3 or whatever. We discovered this when they tried to make a big deal out of C&C Mobile and that sank, we rediscovered this with Diablo Immortal, and we keep discovering it every time Todd Howard ambles out on stage with a smart phone to show off the

Hearthstone, Fallout Shelter (for a couple examples) both eventually came to pc/consoles... that’s why.

Because blizzard has been the most successful developer of video games since PC video games were (almost) a thing? Since what, ‘96?, they’ve out lived almost every game company out there, but have (until relatively recently) managed to stay true to their core. They’re among the last of the original studios that

No amount of reddit upvotes is gonna sway a company.

Heaven forbid the potential customer have an opinion on the direction of the franchise! No one, buy product and shut the hell up!

Or failing that, some content for Diablo 3.

The point I’m trying to make is that it doesn’t really matter what they’re working on- the next big thing for Diablo is going to be a follow up to Diablo 3 which by any definition is going to be a Diablo 4.

Look, I don’t have the statistics in front of me, but it certainly feels like a majority of people regard mobile games as disposable, forgettable trash.

Counterpoint, they charged money for Blizzcon tickets and this is what they gave the fans. Sorry, but this isn’t “gamers rise” this is “fans raging” and for good reason if they had blown money on a blizzcon ticket.

It’s because the game isn’t client/server. Properly coded games run all of the core game code on a separate thread compared to the rendering subsystem. This lets the framerate do whatever it wants, while the game code can run at a fixed speed. Bethesda doesn’t do that, and everything seems to be tied together. It’s

The more important takeaway here, is that there isn't any sort of server side checking of player inputs. In a multiplayer game, if you ever trust a client's actions it can, and eventually will, be used to exploit.

Just all boycott the game already to show them we DON’T want a multiplayer online Fallout, especially one that is clobbered together using this 6 years old engine

I badly want this game to be a shitheap so Beth realizes how terrible an idea it is to turn Fallout into a micro-transaction hell, cross-platform, mobile game. Going well so far with the self-deletion and completely broken PVP.

Do we know yet if there are no interiors? Because that would seal it.

I’d have agreed with you, but after several hours with the game they become natural. Definitely jarring after playing Odyssey though. 

I’ve been completely exhausted with the Ubisoft formula since Shadow of Mordor; I don’t think I’ve bought an open-world game since then, aside from Breath of the Wild (which falls into some of those tropes, but does so with such charm and polish that I can mostly look past them to the greater game that lives alongside