
herculean? C’mon. It’s not like they ask you to have an undefeated 20+ kill game, they ask you to get head shots with a pistol or something simple that might take 10 matches for a mediocre player - and in D2 you often don’t even have to get the kill shots as long as you did some of the damage.

It ain’t even out yet, y’all! How could this make Reaper OP when it’s pretty rare to see them drop more than 2 players with 1 ult? Not knowing the parameters of her buff - you combine a single person rez with chained damage buff and healing, and the survivability of fly-mode? In most scenarios that’s a serious boost

That’s hard to truly say without seeing it. You can chain heals and an improved damage buff and potentially have a faster single-rez? Sounds pretty useful to me, albeit different.

Why would a Mercy with a longer & better beam and the ability to fly bother to dive? In certain situations, maybe - but as a Mercy main this just means I’m getting away easier and helping my team from further away.