“well, we made it to February, lets pack it in guys”
“well, we made it to February, lets pack it in guys”
Whats the consensus pick for best podcasting app for android? I’ve been using Player FM and whilst its good, a couple of the feeds have dropped recently (could be the feed itself) and I’ve had to re-subscribe to them. Anyone got and android app that works well for them?
We’re sorry.
I’ve done car comercials on and off for the last 15 years, and about 80% of them dont have the actual car they want to sell. This is a pretty cool piece of kit, a fair chunk of overkill, but the end result will still be the same - no one will know the difference if the car is filmed or not
Does Disney have a deal with Gawker to place these interviews on their sites as this is the third Zootopia article this week