
This entirely one-sided take on abortion sure was "nuanced". 100% fair and balanced view of how stupid anyone who disagrees is.

Can you? I'd call that whaling. And if you were to do it on the moon…

I loved it when it came out. I haven't seen it in a while, but I'd probably still dig it.

False. OG Tecmo Bowl of GTFO.

Mega Man 2 and Tecmo Bowl are all the games anyone should ever need.

Meh. Call me when all four parts are played by people of different genders, races, nationalities, and religions and none of them are white, straight, male, or Christian. Also, they should all be poor.

Shenanigans? You guys talkin' about Shenanigans?

If there was anyone funny at the A.V. Club, Ghostbusters (2016) would be #1.

One whose greatest accomplishment is fucking a prior holder of that seat?

LIAR! Bear bares all.

HTTM gave us Jessica Pare's performance, which is good enough for me.

I like Anna Kendrick, John Francis Daley, and Craig Robinson, but somehow that movie was terrible.

I had no choice. They were about to try me for all those crimes I committed. They wouldn't let me use my monster murdering someone as a defense anymore, so what else could I do but become a domestic terrorist and murder hundreds of innocent people? Accept that I had done something wrong? Fuck that.

But not a Hot Pie. Revenge pies served cold.

To be fair, Clerks: The Animated Series is probably the thing that holds up the best.

"Page Six is a gossip column, making anything is writes by definition hearsay". This is false. Hearsay is the use IN COURT of a statement made outside of court for the truth of the matter asserted. If you aren't literally trying to use it as evidence in court, then it's not hearsay; gossip would probably be the best

Hail, Atlanta!

It appears Tennessee took Georgia to Virginia. Now Georgia's pregnant, Tennessee has VD, and Kentucky needs someone to explain what they just saw.

Only Floridians have to ask; everyone else already knows.