
So many people want Scott to get back together with Knives, but I don't get it. Isn't the whole point of their relationship that he's with her because he's afraid of an adult relationship, so he's dating a child? Wouldn't getting back together be a regression for them both?

Clearly this is all a Jacob's Ladder scenario.

It was aged 35 years. So it was probably a fairly recent purchase. Scotch doesn't continue to age once it's bottled.

What did they expect when they cast Natalie Morales? Silver lining: this was easily the worst of her cancelled after one seasons shows, so it'll be easier to move on.

Badger, obviously.

State bar, not the bar association. Bar associations are professional trade groups, the State Bar is the NM agency for licensing and disciplining attorneys. Hearings with the bar association would involve a lot more drinking, mocking, and swapping war stories.

I think it was a bit of a misdirect for Chuck. Chuck thinks he's recognized Jimmy's play with Rebecca so he's not really seeing Jimmy's actual plan.

But does he? As with Richard's access to the Piper Chat data, it seems like this was probably a gentleman's agreement that was not reduced to writing.

I loved me some Battletoads as a kid, but I never made it very far. I'd always play with my little brother, and it wouldn't take long before one of us would inadvertently attack the other in the game, which led to intentionally attacking the other until we were both out of lives. So many fun times crushing him with

Coming in 2025: The Winds of Winter by Brandon Sanderson. Coming later in 2025: A Dream of Spring by Brandon Sanderson, also Doors of Stone by Brandon Sanderson.

" I'm sure Kate McKinnon is a funny person "

Are you sure though? All the evidence I've seen would indicate otherwise.

I am also roughly 1/3 of the way through Before the Fall. I knew nothing about the story before I started other than a plane would crash, and I still have very little idea where the hell it's going. But it's an interesting trip so far.

I hear you can get a nice slice at the Canadian House of Pizza and Garbage.

Outside California, Trump won the popular vote by 2 million votes. So, Hillary was not popular outside North Mexico.

True Americans call it a Freedom Press.

That's exactly what I've asked my Republican representatives to do, so I have no complaints.

You seem to have misspelled "returning power to the states where it belongs."

Johnson/Weld 2016! Never give up!

What's the name of a kosher food?