
So let's assume Pete's lady friend blew out her knee at the end of the episode. What does that have to do with him dumping her? She isn't a running back. She can still have sex with a torn ACL.

I've never struggled with letting go of my cool younger days because I was never cool. In your face, cool jerks!

Please leave the legal analysis to people who have an idea what the hell they're talking about. Nathan's plan would not turn exercisers into employees. Any judge in the country would tell you they are independent contractors with very limited rights, jackass.

Not anymore. I am super jealous that I wasn't clever enough to come up with that.

Bad news: Nathan is a massive hypocrite. He gives the horsey lady a hard time about fat people not being able to ride, but Summit Ice only comes in M and L. Now how am I supposed to stay warm while also letting people know I don't deny the Holocaust?

Also, they were Natty Light, so the bare minimum of something that might qualify as beer. Maybe she was upset that he served such a bottom of the barrel product at her high-end store.

Phil is far from a reliable witness. The one person with a grip on objective reality, Carol, said it was too much. Phil is just willing to do whatever it takes for Carol and him to stay with these scumbags.

To be fair, the last time he saw any of them, they tried to murder him. Then they left a note implying that if he survived, they would probably try again. Also, the gun was unloaded because Phil doesn't want to hurt anyone, unlike the sadists around him.

While Phil was a jerk, the rest of these fuckers have turned evil. Evil Phil is a psychopath. Remember that Carol revealed that Phil was alive because she was afraid that evil Phil might sexually assault her if she didn't have a boyfriend. Now he's holding a loaded gun to Phil's head. And Melissa delights in

As a clever lawyer, I can't be blamed for who masturbates to me.

Whoever made this really missed an opportunity to put something between Scylla and Charybdis.

Only a real asshole wouldn't love Lindsay.

It is truly a damning indictment of the Democratic Party. They make the super-rich even richer and keep the poor hooked to government assistance. Because middle-class people vote for the opposition.

As someone who watches online, I strongly prefer the character commercials. At least they're amusing and feature characters I like.

No, I get your point; you're just wrong. If something has a 1/3 chance of occurring by chance, it is absurd to say definitively that it is motivated by anything.
Also, fuck diversity casting. Put someone entertaining on a show and I don't give a flying fuck what color they are or where there ancestors came from.

Yeah, something that happens roughly one out of three times happening is bullshit. Maybe I could buy it if it was 2/7 or above, but 1/3? Gimme a break.

At the moment, I'm reading Redshirts by John Scalzi. I've also got Joyland by Stephen King checked out, so I'll start it soon. I'm currently waiting for The Bone Clocks and Amy Poehler's book to become available. Earlier this month, I listened to the audiobook of Lion of Liberty: Patrick Henry and the Call to a New

I read about 10% of that book and had to put it down. I just hated everyone in it and wished they had all died in whatever that disaster was.

On the other hand, they annihilated the conference champion, and had the best collection of wins in the country.

Let's see. My library finally got in all the hardcovers of Mind MGMT I'd requested 6 months ago, so I blew through all of them in a couple days. I've been listening to a bunch of audiobooks about the Yankees at work. So far I've finished The Closer and Steinbrenner, and I'm almost through Bat Boy by Matt McGough.