Yes, all the upcoming DLCs will release simultaneously for both consoles and PC.
Yes, all the upcoming DLCs will release simultaneously for both consoles and PC.
Oh hell yeah! Tilian Pearson is an angel. <3
What would you say if I told you one year ago that No Man’s Sky would be developed, maintained and updated post-launch more than the new Mass Effect?
MMM that’s some good shit right there
You promised NSFW in this article. I am disappointed!
My jaw hit the floor when I saw that live. Without a doubt the smartest HE Grenade throw I’ve ever seen in a pro match
Agreed! I had preordered the PS4 version but now that I’m hearing that consoles are locked to 30fps, I’m gunna cancel my preorder and get it on PC instead. I just really hope i can transfer my bungie account stats or whatever..
Yep! I cannot wait until VR becomes more mainstream, and not as much of a “tech demo” for lack of a better phrase, and it drops to consumer friendly prices with less bugs/etc.
This sounds awesome! Now to wait for the Vive to drop below $500.
Are..... are the animations *really* that bad? Holy shit..
Aaaaand, I missed it. Dammit.
Aaaaand, I missed it. Dammit.
Really? I much prefer Paragon to Smite partly because of the verticality of combat and partly because it’s SO DAMN PRETTY.
So is this like Burnout Paradise 2? If so, fucking sold.
> spent $300 on upgrades to it so I could get free stuff
This game is one of the rare few that is worth the full price. The story is amazing!
This game is one of the rare few that is worth the full price. The story is amazing!
No link to the game?
Is no one else questioning why this game is $20 more expensive for consoles? On steam it’s $40 with the deluxe edition being $50, but on the PSN where I was originally intending to buy it, the game costs $60 with the deluxe edition being $80. What the hell?
The gameplay of this game is so much more fun than other MOBAs, imo... mostly the fact that the gameplay is vertical as well as horizontal.
Something with a BIG DICK!
Did anyone else want the camera to shift slightly lower when it was panning to his midsection?