
Not surprised, I just watched the Allegiance episodes on Hulu.. it was utter crap. A great basic premise completely ruined by idiotic writing, unbelievable characters and trying to make the main character into some cross between Sherlock Holmes and Rainman,. Could have been a great show if they just stuck with the

Agreed on the buyout. They have gone very far downhill in quality, as does every company when EA buys them. Profit over quality.

KOTOR was one of the greatest RPG games ever made, KOTOR 2 was a huge letdown though, Lucasarts made a huge mistake hiring a different developer for it. Its way past time for a KOTOR 3 … SWTOR has turned in a free to play nerf fest that offers little re playability after leveling up a couple characters.

To be best picture, there should be some kind of viewer minimum… I do not care how good the film might be, its not great if hardly anyone even heard of it, much less saw it.

Surviving and being healthy are two different things. It does not take much to stay alive.

We are going to have Chris Pratt overload pretty soon.

Saying it claimed only a single ship is downplaying it quite a bit. That ship it claimed was the flagship and pride of the British Navy. It's loss was devastating to morale.

Their shows are getting better. I was very impressed by the Knick.

Nothing.. Im getting sick of sequels and remakes.

Yeah, if you do not count any of the scenes that whiny little nutcase Carrie was in, it was great. I do not think I have ever hated a character that I was supposed to like, so much.

Will it cover him beating a man half to death while screaming racial slurs?

WEB Griffin is another big one… he has not published anything he has written himself since 2004… His son (who sucks) has written everything since then.