LOL no, conspiracy theorists were around long before X-Files dumbass
LOL no, conspiracy theorists were around long before X-Files dumbass
Exactly, I sure as hell don’t think of Ron Paul when I hear that term(when I hear about Paul, I think about that letter where he said 95% of black males are criminals, and I only know about that thanks to The Newsroom).
showed my shine how dumbass troll? If you’re trying to call me alt-right, you can suck on my dragon balls bitch.
yeah the guy that made the post is a complete and utter tosspot, X-Files had it’s flaws, but it ain’t right-wing by any stretch especially given how anti-government it gets.
the internet only gets you so far though, unless you actually live in the U.S.(and are ya know black) you aren’t really going to truly grasp the nuances of what BLM is all about. So yeah I think they do have an “excuse”
I disagree, I don’t think most games are right-wing, most games use violence because that’s just how…
It’s not “fascism fanfiction” you brain-dead moron, you clearly don’t know Clancy at all, his books had so much accuracy he actually got hauled in for questioning by the military because they were worried how he knew so much. Oh yeah sounds real “fascist” to me, LOL you are one of the dumbest trolls i’ve ever come…
so unless a game portrays the military and all cops as pure EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL it’s a bad portrayal? LOL yeah no fuck that noise.
LOL no, I don’t believe Ubisoft is using their crappy mobile game specifically to attack BLM, that’s giving them a bit too much credit, they don’t want to do anything other then suck lots of money out of people, Hanlon’s Razor definitely applies here.
LOL no moron.
LOL no I don’t believe that a crappy mobile game is going to turn people into killers, good lord you sound just as idiotic as Jack Thompson, don’t you have some more distraught parents to grift Jackie boy?
you’re REALLY reaching on this one, i’m pretty sure Ubisoft is not directly trying to appeal to alt-right nutjobs LOL. I don’t see that much conspiracy theory stuff in the plot of the game, I don’t think it’s “harmful” really. I doubt a crappy mobile game is going to “nudge” anybody to do anything other then spend…
I don’t think they are specifically targeting conservatives, there’s plenty of leftists who will play this sort of thing as well.
LOL no it’s not “dangerous” spare me the “Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children!” nonsense.
Never said conspiracy theories weren’t dangerous troll, man your reading comprehension is lousy, I just said that I don’t believe fictional media is going to make me people start believing in them.
Sure media can influence…
way to stereotype wrestling fans jackass, you do realize there are plenty of non-white fans right you dumb racist moron?
X-Files didn’t promote right-wing conspiracy theories fool, nice try.
Again, damage my ass, unless you can scientifically prove it, I ain’t buying it.
i think it is just Hanlon’s Razor at work here.
there’s still cultural aspects that will be lost in translation even with internet genius, there’s some thing you just won’t understand unless you live someplace and experience it firsthand, dumbass troll.
uh you do realize she personally knows people there and she’s latino right? dumb racist moron.
I don’t think so, there’s no real evidence to back it up that mostly conservatives buy their games.
eh I don’t really see it personally, I see it more as taking aim at fake progressives like Peter Coffin and Aimee Terese who claim to be “progressive” but really are no better then Drumpf supporters, they have the same bigoted beliefs, they are just more subtle about them(I.E. attacking BLM by calling them…