
The problem isn’t that Scorsese is against comic book movies. If anyone has a right to comment on the state of cinema and have an opinion, it’s him.

I’m just curious, are there any actual journalists at The Root at this point? Now it makes perfect sense why any decent writer ran screaming from this site. Chris Rock didn’t cross any lines, that is unless you are someone that watched the special LOOKING for a reason to complain.

I can see how people would see Snyder’s Superman as less heroic if they ignore stuff like him rescuing people from an oil fire, standing up for a woman being sexually harassed, being willing to sacrifice himself to save Earth from Zod, rescuing kids from a drowning bus when he was only a kid himself and basically just

By Microsoft’s own admission in this whole fiasco, the majority of CoD players are on Playstation. IIRC, the most recent CoD has a player base on PS4/5 of about 45%, while Xbox and PC are both under 30% each.

The issue around it “encouraging violence” is entirely moot. The Hotel as a commercial venture will certainly retain copyright on its building and likenesses thereof. This is once again a case of EA and its subsidiaries cutting corners on due diligence when it comes to clearing the legals on designs and this time it

Then you tell those morons G4 had Morgan Webb and Kristin Adams as hosts back in the “pre-woke” days and get blocked by said morons.

some will say they were cancelled because they “Got Woke” which is moron code for “has women in the show”, and a good sign anyone speaking this way can be safely ignored.  

The reality is G4 was a success in the past because it was one of the few shows like it at the time. Now, you can get G4 content on basically any

fuck Chick-fil-a in all things, but this is basically making up a reason to be angry when there are already plenty out there.

But if Microsoft is allowed to pay a developer to have their thing on game pass at release, shouldn’t Sony be allowed to pay someone to have the game only on Sony platforms (and maybe PC)? Isn’t it essentially the same thing?

It’s easy to argue against *because* they are being hypocritical. If a game is essential, no game should be an exclusive.

I mean COD is a multiplat series. It’s not the game that dictates choice. It’s Sony having limited exclusivity on things that dictates the choice. Xbox continuing to sell it on several platforms but keep the really cool stuff for themselves first is the slightest of change. 

Virtually no conventions have stringent pandemic restrictions anymore; few have requirements of any kind. Without the states providing them cover, they won’t do it. I suspect the challenge of enforcement as a private event when you don’t have the weight of state-wide or federal restrictions to fall back on and give

a Wikipedia page with terrible delivery

I didn’t mind the episode, but I also have never viewed Dexter, even at its best, as fine dining. It’s always been a guilty pleasure meal for me (that said, Michael C. Hall is obviously an outstanding actor so that’s not taking anything away from his, or any other performances, such as Lithgow, etc).

Huh, I thought this was the best ep of the season so far because it finally felt like an episode of Dexter. The messy plot threads, some tied up, some leading onto future episodes. Things happened, and like them or not, at least it wasn’t boring. The majority of Dexter was like this, so to expect something different

Now now, Dexter posed that dude’s body after faking an OD because he saw Logan outside (all these police departments have at least one competent employee) and knew he didn’t have time to finish the regular kill.