
No way. My comeback was superb. You probably did not even realize your name was so close to sharclueless. Now your comeback was super lame I totally agree with you on that.
See? we can see eye-to-eye after all. And while we are on the subject, dope smoking aside, Mr. Brown used violent intimidation to rob a store

Whatever you call it, it's bad for you. And he did rob a store. You like to ignore that part. Is there a more politically correct term when "my kid" robs a store? Maybe we should call it "liberating cigarillos" ? Oh that's right, my kid does not bully shopkeepers and steal. If he smokes some dope I'll have to

I think you should change your name to "sharclueless". It's more appropriate.

More like excellent bye.

Obfuscate, which means basically "to confuse or bewilder". Beside the point. I like your response. Well thought out. I am saddened by the Eric Garner case and yes I could not recall his name while hastily typing my previous message.
You are right. There is valid reason for public outrage all over the country.

So says you? To me a thug is a criminal, white or black. Stop crying racism when there isn't any. You don't know what color my skin is. And what's with your nickname? What are you 12?

What would you rather me use a more trendy term like "trees" ? It is what it is. Lack of character.

This was an inflammatory and irresponsible episode that simply tried to force parallels to the Mike Brown case even though none existed.
There is no parallel between the innocent victim on this episode and the thug Mike Brown who liked to smoke dope and literally minutes before getting shot had ROBBED A STORE USING