Vesto Slipher

And, especially after 2016, I will not countenance the bullshit arguments “He/she didn’t speak to my issues” or “He /she didn’t inspire me.”

What’s Black And White And Red All Over? This Weak Shit.

Can you provide examples of doing the dumbest thing possible? For some reason many people think Zemo’a plan went off without a hitch. That is not the case.

So I’m still a little behind on the 2nd half of the season, but holy shit has it gotten boring again after Ghost Rider left.

My dad used to get so frustrated playing HORSE with us when we were kids. Game would take hours. I’ll bet Dell thought the same thing.

“Voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil.”


First, “Triscuits are garbage” is a bad take. Triscuits are fucking delicious.

Counterpoint: Triscuits are the best.

There are more good Star Trek movies than Star Wars movies. Come at me bro.

Triscuts are the best and I am willing to fight you right now to prove it.

I love all the Netflix Marvel show characters but every single one of those shows is 2-3 episodes too long. I’ve literally spent entire episodes on my phone casually looking up and didn’t miss anything noteworthy.

I’m a lover not a fighter... or something. My biggest problem with the “special editions” is the re-insertion of Jabba into Star Wars (I was 9 when Star Wars came out in ‘77 so I still call it “Star Wars”). I know that was Lucas’ original plan, but because it didn’t work out and we only heard about Jabba in whispers

So let me get this straight: The post in question wasn’t written by Kukla, but rather, someone from Kukla’s Clan?


I’m told I’m an introvert because I despise small talk so much. I seriously considered not going to my parents’ for Xmas dinner this year when I heard my aunt would be there and I knew I’d have to listen to the “how’s work?”, “what are your plans for the future?” I borderline find it offensive - like think of

I’ve said it before on here and I’ll say it again:

Manual transmission bros are like the Linux bros of the car world; they both like having to put more work into using their machine, they both consider this as having greater control over their machine, and neither will hesitate to lord it over everyone else with a smug sense of superiority.

Take it easy on the guy. I’ve heard he’s got a lot of personal ghosts to deal with.

Yeah, but this is classic Pacman, a man with ghosts to deal with. You sign a big deal to play football, you wake up in a hotel and can’t believe your eyes when they’re trying to arrest you, you stick your finger in somebody’s face and eventually you go out in a hail of gunfire. It’s the “Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde.”