Vestal Vespa

Hehe. My Ancestry results were 100% Europe. And I'm not having kids, ever. In your face, master race.

I was a teenager in Boulder when they were big. I feel like it was one of those things that Colorado transplants felt like they needed to have in order to start their new life when they moved here. "Subaru outback? Check. Lab/Husky mix? Check. Epic pass? Check. Now I just need my DMB CDs and I'm on my way!"

I grew up near Boulder and was in my early teens at the height of DMB's popularity, right at that crucial point when I was teasing out the difference between music that I liked, but wasn't actively seeking (aka, my parents' music) and music that I liked on my own (music my friends introduced me to). DMB was one of the

I didn't like her either when I was younger. But I do now…we've both grown up a lot.