Yet another good reason all women should be able to choose whether of not they want to have children.
Yet another good reason all women should be able to choose whether of not they want to have children.
just checking in from Team I Want Kids But Holy Shit What Is Childbirth:
Clinton tried that. She wanted to bring training in alternative energy jobs to coal country so that coal miners wouldn’t become unemployed as coal went the way of the dodo, but she made the mistake of saying that doing so would put coal mining companies out of business. Well, I mean also she’s a woman, and Benghazi…
I live in a dying coal town on the Colorado’s west slope. People here pride themselves on our one trick pony economy and it’s so fucking stupid. I’ve never lived in a sunnier place, and yet they still cling to coal and discount wind or solar. 3/4 of the people I work with voted for Dump, thinking that he was going to…
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
Well not really, plain old soap isn’t going to kill e-coli, toilet paper definately won’t, and there’s no way in hell I’m bleaching my vagina. Motion and sweat will cause bacteria to move around in both genders, and even the cleanest woman in the world can’t escape the fact that the vagina and the anus are only…
You’d be surprised how many fecal particles are all over the place, even if you think you’ve cleaned yourself.
I am 31 and its so damn hard to make fucking friends as an adult!!!!
Ugh - I can relate to this so much. As someone who doesn’t have a lot of friends, I was really looking forward to having a kid and making parent friends.
But daycare parents are rude as hell and NOT friendly.
I have made one friend, and we also take the train to work together. My husband always tries to initiate plans…
I’m sorry that tweet is hilarious.
I feel like I have met a lot of white people who say authentic but they mean stereotypical. Like if you try to perform what feel authentic to you, they feel you are putting on an act and you have to conform to their manufactured ideas about authenticity or you are not living up to their standards.
I genuinely never think about armadillos. But thanks for inspiring me to find this video. My life is now 75% happier than it was two minutes ago.
Next up: Pangolins.
They are real, and they are spectacular.
This type of thinking makes me shiver. I got my first period in 5th grade, so while my body was (apparently) “good to go,” my brain was still pretty consumed with pogs and friendship bracelets.
Oh, look, the conservative right is violating the First Ammendment rights of Free Speech hero and champion Milo! The horror! Where will this PC/SJW/Liberal Bleeding Heart bullshit stop???
This is exactly the kind of stuff Chris Brown would spout about when he was assaulted as a kid by his babysitter; trying to make it retroactively consensual so he could live with it. (Nobody on Jez had a lot of love for Chris Brown but the site was rightfully taken to task when they tried to downplay it.)
The good old “ephebophilia” defense.
Minogue’s attorneys also described Jenner as “a secondary reality television personality,”
though I have to admit that Kylie Jenner is the first person I think of when I hear “Kylie.”