Vesper Holly

Seriously.  I don't love her but I'm proud of her for this, and happy for her fans.  Also hoping it does encourage some of them to vote and make her proud 

Guys seriously, can we just for ONCE, give props to Taylor when she does something right? You don’t have to crown her Queen of Jezebel, but legit, this was a good thing she did. Today I’m thinking of all her LBGT fans who must be feeling real fucking awesome about their fave sticking up for them politically in this

I genuinely love this story. It’s this bizarre and inexplicable Fake News mystery that is also fairly low-stakes.
BTW don’t know if anyone else is watching Santa Clarita Diet, but it’s really fun! For the most part they hit the tone really well, and Dimothay Lelephant and Droo Barrimoor are too charming together. It

I cannot deny that Drew Barrimoor has interviews given, there is many journalism about it. This is naturally reflected in the conversation which occurred in conjunction with journalism that exists in the society. This is especially true since the interview can not prove that all shared reality are same or even

This is v real.  I should know, as I am Droo Barrimoor’s biggest fan for the longest time. 

Fuck this person. What an asshole. As a survivor of incest, fauxcest porn DISGUSTS me because it promotes and normalizes incest. I could barely read this article so I don’t know what sort of shit she’s doing, but a lot of it on the front page of pornhub is like “brother coerces sister to suck his dick so he won’t tell

Incest porn is disgusting and dangerous. There is a reason why it is taboo. It is not edgy or sexy or naughty. It is so disturbing to me that it is popular as a genre.

Not even no one was listening . . . they called him a liar and vilified him in public. Corey at least has thousands of supporters. It breaks my heart that this happens ALL THE TIME to women and men who don’t have the public backing or financial power to continue the fight.

He literally named names to the police and they did nothing! That’s infuriating.

Let me get this straight, they had that info for, in essence, 25 YEARS now.........and NOW they’s admitting to having it?!

I’m so happy for Corey. To me, he’s like the Rose McGowan of the boy set. He kept crying out, and no one was listening.

I like Pink a lot. I think she’s brave and tough and unabashedly herself. I just wish she’d realize that other women’s unabashed selves look different than hers, and that should be celebrated too.

As a fellow grad student, he was also vulnerable. There’s a reason people need bystander intervention training—it is hard to know how to help when you are also at risk.

This is actually a SUPER good point. At what stage do you have the right or even the obligation to start a fight that might torpedo the victim’s career, possibly without even impacting yours? Absolutely a conversation worth having.

On the other hand, if he decided to report the abuse as a third party, it could have torpedoed her career just as quickly as if she reported it herself. Given that she chose to endure the abuse and get tenure before filing a complaint, I’m not convinced she would have thanked him. I think he’s doing the right thing

71 percent of 512 female respondents said they had been sexually harassed during field work

I have like three racist bones in my body. I’m always complaining about them, but the rest of the bones won’t do anything about it. Two of them are real assholes and one of them is passive aggressive as shit. I don’t know, every time I think about yanking them out the other bones get all protective. Deep down, I

Major props to the bus driver with the quick but safe swerve. That poor woman would likely be dead if that driver hadn’t reacted so quickly. Also props to the passengers for getting off to help. People can be horrifying shits but when you look for the helpers, you’re reminded that they aren’t all bad.

This is assault. I understand getting annoyed by slow walkers or people who seem to have no destination in mind, but Jeeezus. He has all the room in the world to navigate that sidewalk. This is just inexplicable.

Sidewalk etiquette? Dude has plenty of room, as mentioned. Also she’s walking on an angle to give him more room. As a frequently disgruntled jogger who wishes the world would put more effort into sidewalk etiquette, I feel pretty confident he just wanted to push a woman in front of a bus.