Vesper Holly

I’m guessing that Cho doesn’t understand why a lot of people are pissed at her. It has nothing to do with her feelings that Asian actors should play Asian roles, which is completely valid. Everyone’s pissed because she took what was supposed to be a private conversation, twisted it into the worst possible

One of my favorite things to do at work is to simply respond with the forwarded email that contains whatever they said that they’re now claiming they didn’t say.

OH SHIT! Tilda came with fucking receiptsssssssssss

I’m having difficulty understanding Margaret Cho’s perspective here. It sounds like Tilda was up front about the issues, expressed her desire to do something about it and sought advice from someone who is in a good position to provide it. And Cho’s responses were thoughtful and measured as well. Not sure what got lost

now that i’ve read margaret and tilda’s conversation, i have to wonder if margaret did as well.

Based on previous experience, mine would slap a “sorry we missed you” tag on the door without ringing the bell, anyway.

And yet, they still are the only carrier who can’t find the door to my duplex, even with the most detailed delivery notes possible.

I agree. It’s also quite likley that it focuses more on the UPS driver because he was available to comment on the story, so there was more to say.

The story focuses more on the UPS driver’s call to authorities than the woman’s bravery and quick thinking

These are kids; telling a trusted adult is not a “wasted step”, and it also allows her some accommodation from the school, so she doesn’t have to ride the same bus with him or whatnot. Give the girl a break- she did nothing wrong. No one can ever be a victim perfectly enough to meet everyone’s standards.

I was going to refrain from commenting on this because of getting slammed in these sections before. But I just have to say... good for her for being brave and refusing to let others question her integrity.

But, but, but........emails!

I can’t feel sorry for them either. Trump never at any point told them how he’d build the damn wall, and clearly these people have a...negative, like -% understanding of politics and diplomacy. It’s all very simplistic. It’s all very student council president: “I’m going to make the school lunch people serve us pizza

Bob, you fucking moron.

My favourite is the one who somehow thought Trump would solve the wage gap?! Even if you buy into his “I love women. Women are tremendous” bullshit, was I asleep when he acknowledged the wage gap?

Well, I can take joy in the pain of people who are regretting their votes because Donald is not building a wall/prosecuting Clinton. I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for those ones.

I’m firmly against this move, but it’s because I’m firmly against the draft regardless of gender.

I’m broke, but if I won the lotto, I think I’d donate a whole pile of money to the Innocence Project.