
I just got back from a vacation in Seattle last week (f’ing awesome city - I’m jealous!) and we went on a whale watching boat from Friday Harbor to try to find the Orca pod. No luck (but we got to hang out with a humpback for about 45 minutes!), but the employees on the boat know that pod really well and they had seen

I live in Seattle and this story has been heartbreaking--in addition to this J50, a four year old, is so starved you can see the bones of her skull. They’re trying everything, even a plan to hand feed her live Chinook if they can get close enough.

Kirstjen Nielsen also seems to be showing contempt for the court system.

Pssst. No one tell the judge that Sessions is the wrong person to hold in contempt of court for this (ICE is under DHS, not DOJ)

They were placed on paid administrative leave on Friday.

The Christians will only be satisfied when we achieve full theocracy.

Oh my god.

I should also add that many of the women were meth babies themselves so their brains were already not properly developed, then they became meth mamas who have meth babies. And our system does nothing to help them, it just makes money off them. 


I hope Queen steps on his tie and  he trips over or she can ride him over with her Range Rover.

Not the legitimate president of the United States Donald Trump kept Queen Elizabeth II waiting outside the Windsor Castle so long, his tie grew 7 feet.

Not to mention the olds. All those discounts, just because they’ve been stinking up the planet for a while. They should pay more, for all the extra wear and tear they’ve caused! It’s an outrage!

See also: IHOP. They let kids eat free some nights, which is obviously discrimination against me, an adult.

You know what they should look into - veterans’ benefits and pricing. Everywhere I go its, 10%, 15% off products and services for veterans. Heck, the injured ones even get a break on their property taxes! Some businesses flat out promote this imbalanced fee system right out in public. I for one am pretty sick and

Every time Trump has a rally or some nonsense I comment to my mom, “Look at all those mediocre White people.”

That’s not quite true - many of them are orange.

Ugh.  Look at all those white faces.

The day Pelosi leaves government I'm throwing a huge goddamn cookout. Can't stand her. 

Nancy Pelosi will step up and force that fucker Crowley to step aside because she’s smart enough to realize how bad this looks after the Bernie/DNC fiasco.

“Then get tinted windows.”