
A.) We now know Michael is the Bernie volunteer working Twitter

Lucky! ;) We had to stand outside the local grocery store while it snowed.

Not just that, there was a lot of victim-blaming and “they ruined a good man’s life” type language.

The other huge issue I had with the article was that all his acquaintances thought he was an OK guy, so obviously those women were horrible for ruining his life.

The idea would have been good if it actually explored how a talented young man develops the mindset that it’s OK to rape. Finding the out more about his past could be useful to preventing other criminals like Holtzclaw.

I have to admit, it looks really similar to my current favorite toy. The only difference is that instead if the blocky box, there’s a nice handheld remote.

The really weird thing is, she died after publishing “Flowers”. Then someone else decided it would be a REALLY good idea to keep writing similar books under her name.

I’ve never done hibatchi, so I don’t know how it works, but if it had been me, I’d leave a cash tip for the server.

You’re 100% correct. My 57-year-old mother got cat-called in her sweats, windbreaker, hat covering her not-done hair and no make up at 8 am, walking to the specialty pharmacist for her thyroid medication. And it was less than half a block from where she parked to the store.

Pretty sure that pretty much everyone doesn’t like you Patrick.

My favorite hypocrisy is “save the little children, except the raped 14-year-old who could probably die because she’s too young to give birth.”

I was on Whisper, and one of the recent popular posts was a married woman who said she didn’t want children and wouldn’t hesitate to have an abortion. Almost every reply was “why r u no on birth control?!!1??” and shit. More frustrating than these morons thinking a responsible person wouldn’t use BC, they apparently

I think if I was actively dying, and had a month or two to live, I’d be ok with not knowing. Otherwise, I agree - I’d always want to know.

Man, I don’t know how many times I cheated on my dog, IN FRONT OF HIM, with the neighbor’s dog, and he still wanted to stay with me. Best Golden Retriever ever!

This is about 3 years sooner than I anticipated...although I don’t know why.

But please, continue disregarding common sense.

It’s also really popular in the Quiverfull movement as a means of controlling the wife. Since men are supposed to be head f the house, they have a shared account to make sure the little woman behaves properly at Al times. The concept totally squicks me out.

I would also be OK with having joint tech accounts, but still maintain my own, private email, FB, etc. Of course, that’s twice the amount of accounts to keep up with...

She needs to round up a bunch of toddlers on a field trip, first.