
I think it was a dumb thing for Bernie to have said, but an equally dumb response from Hillary. As someone who lived through the ‘60s, when the damn phrase became part of the everyday lexacon, she’d have to be living under a rock to not understand its meaning.

A Haiku

This. So much this.

And the term “the Establishment” (and by proxy “the Man”) is so vague, it can be used to argue anything, no matter how stupid.

Yeah, that’s bothered me too.

Thanks for clearing that up. I actually kind of wondered. In some photos, he looks Asiatic, and in others, not so much. I thought it was just me.

The only reason I get new ones almost annually is because I have a goblin infestation, and my stuff randomly goes missing. Then it turns up again 3 days after I need it.

Look on the bright side: Holtzclaw’s a white (former) cop found guilty of raping black women...who will be imprisoned in a system with an overwhelmingly black population, many of whom were probably sent there for petty infractions by guys just like Holtzclaw.

Too true...but then, things weren’t looking much better when I had to wear both a tampon and a pad and had red streaks down my legs thanks to the inadequacy of both. The cup actually contains everything, praise the lord.

Fuck...I mentioned above that I have my own pet-sitting business, and I don’t use any photos of pets without owner consent. I also got into the habit of making up funny quotes instead of using names, because it didn’t really feel right to plaster the pets’ names all over the interwebz.

I run my own pet-sitting business, and I don’t post pictures of people’s hamsters on my website without getting “parental” permission first. It’s like Common Sense 101...but then, that last statement pretty much explains everything.

Yeah, they could have at least blurred the faces.

Yup, photographing the kids without individual parental consent? Lawsuit city. Both the campaign and the “adult supervision” fucked up majorly.

Either that, or the consultant is actually a dog trainer, and every time an employee resists reporting a customer solely based on race, they get a biscuit and a pat on the head.

I also have severe social anxiety, so I have a hard time connecting to anyone. And it’s pretty awkward, at least for me, being in the generational gap. I was born just a couple years too late to be a true GenXer, but I don’t really feel like a Millennial, either. Maybe I would if I were more socially active, who knows?

Cleveland’s Democratic party (of which McGinty is a part) has been corrupt as hell for ages. I’m sure the Republicans are, too, they’re just better at hiding it.

Worst. Feeling. Ever.

I feel you. I’m 32, and wwhenever I’m near groups of people who are about 25 and younger, I’m like, “Pass the tequila and Vicodin.”

Same...except for me, it was babysitting 2 spoiled brats who were only 3-5 years older than me. I absolutely didn’t care when I got fired, and it made me realize I should only have fur-babies.