
I had a rental car with a touch screen panel a few months back (some kind of Chevy), and the worst part about it was I couldn’t turn it off. Granted, there may have been a way, and I was just unfamiliar with the car, but for the week I had it, it was like this annoying, glowing alien contraption on the dash. It was

I was going to make almost this exact comment. I never would have guessed he was trying to be Desi Arnaz if it wasn’t explicitely stated. John Boehner, on the other hand...

I miss 1992. Sometimes.

Taking the drugs doesn’t mean they consented to having sex.

I mean, I guess I could go with a thinner cookie, but only if there was a significant amount of calories saved, and if there was three times the amount of creme between them. Otherwise, you might as well eat those nasty 100-calorie-pack Oreo wafers.

Whelp, looks like he may have finally put his foot in it (fingers crossed):

More an editorial. And mostly because people think if you’re a bad person, you can’t make beautiful pieces of artwork. It points out that Richard Wagner (the composer) and Edgar Degas were both horribly anti-Semetic. And that Charles Dickens was, well, a dick, who lied about his wife being a bad mother and forced his

I made a skin soother out of Aveeno colloidal oatmeal bath and super-strong black tea stored in the fridge, rinsed off with cool water, then applied aloe vera lotion. Worked wonders!

Heck, my skin is so sensitive, I get burned even wearing sunscreen. I can’t look at sunlight without burning. But yeah, I can’t believe how many people don’t use it, either. My grandma always ranted about it, coming from an era where she didn’t have the option to have sunblock, and many years later had to have weird

Here we go. It’s a really good editorial about how being an artist doesn’t make you a good person, but your art isn’t necessarily bad just because you’re a dickwad:

Yeah, but blind defenders are notoriously obtuse.

Well if I had made them, it would be in the sink because I’d already spent a half hour scraping every last scrapable bit of batter so I could enjoy it myself, and dammit you should just be happy you even got the brownies in the first place! ;)

I’ve done that - it’s an excellent option when you’re on the road and have a stomach bug.

I worked at a grocery store that has a serve-yourself-soup station - they rotate 2-3 different types of soups every day, and you can get a lunch sized single serving, dinner sized family serving, or a huge bowl that will last all week. Once, an old lady decided it would be a FABULOUS idea to sample the soups by

I will never be able to look at the California Raisins the same way.

Polling altogether, or polling as in, “if you were forced to vote Republican, who would you choose?”

Chihuahuas can be bad, too, mostly because, thanks to the 1990s obsession with them, they’ve been poorly and rampantly bred. Sigh.

Exactly. I petsit, and the only dog I’ve ever been afraid of is a Pharaoh hound-mix who was never properly socialized. She’s never bitten me, but she’s a nutcase. But I’ve sat for Dobermans, bull dogs, pit bulls, and Rottweilers, and they’ve all been absolute sweethearts. A lot of them were rescues, too, and even

Pit bulls? I’m sorry, have you ever met a pit bull? All the ones I know are as nice, if not nicer, than a Golden retriever. It’s the fucking dachshunds you have to be careful of.