
Heck, even Ben Grimm doesn’t HAVE to be white - there are Ethiopian Jews.

I’m not surprised. Despite the fact that he ruined The Hobbit by stretching the material into three films and adding extra, needless subplots, Peter Jackson is quite the fan of keeping the Tolkienian world pure - which means good old fashioned colonial, British racism.

I feel like most of the “it’s not authentic to the comic book” people are the same ones who use the phrase “I’m not racist, but...”

I thought everything south of Columbus WAS Kentucky. /sarcasm

I’m from the US, and I’ve always understood ‘washroom’ too. Then again, that’s always what my grandma would call it, so maybe it used to be an old-timey thing here in the States, and isn’t anymore?

Usually baristas are nice about my refusal to go along with “tall, grande, or venti” but occasionally I get the snide one who looks at me blankly and then enunciates the Starbucks version of my order.

If I didn’t have to show my face in public, as well as work for a living, I would sacrifice my good name (and business) by saying something completely racist and/or homophobic just to scam...I mean crowdfund...thousands of dollars from these people.

I had a friend in college who said her mom got regular periods for the first 6 months of her pregnancies with both her and her sister. I don’t remember how she finally discovered she was pregnant, but it definitely wasn’t through the usual symptoms.

I flat out told my mom that if she wants grandkids, she can look to my brother for them, because I wasn’t having any. Ever.

I told my mom that I didn’t think babies were cute at all. She was like, “Well, they get cuter when they get older.” She was kind of pissed when my response was, “No, they really don’t.”

It’s not. It was created about 200 years ago, and so-called professionals haven’t bothered to come up with better measurements. Or just move on to the height-weight chart.

If you work at the Cleveland Clinic, you are not allowed to be obese. It’s in their employee handbook or something - so ridiculous. Apparently the rational is obese healthcare workers are a bad influence on the patients. o_O

Oh, God, I hate the BMI scale. A freakin’ bodybuilder is overweight according to the Body/Mass Index (because, duh, muscle has more mass than fat), and yet these people seem to think it’s the end-all, be-all measurement.

Because hackers care about nonfamous people. The only real danger is if 1.) you break up or 2.) you reject a guy and he takes it superseriously, because obviously, even married, you can’t NOT be into him.

The only worthwhile TP commercials have puppies and/or kittens playing with their products.

True, true. It really depends on setting and context.

It would definitely be in the syllabus. Even if it wasn’t, after 11 years there would be AT LEAST rumors on campus about the class, if not outright confirmation from former students that yes, you have to perform nude for this particular professor. So either the daughter lied to her mother about it being sprung on her

Both, I think? They definitely make the Olive Garden food and ship it to the restaurants, which is why I always laugh at OG commercials that claim they have “chefs” when they actually have people who heat up frozen food in their kitchens.

When I was 16 and working at a grocery store, I had a man come up to me and say, “I’m turning 69 next week. Do you know what 69 means?”

My impression was that the old lady was trying to scam her, but I wasn’t there. We had a lot of that when I worked at a grocery store in HS. For some reason, they always shoplifted doughnuts. I felt kind of bad about it, because could they really not afford 50-cent pastries?