
@Eridani: Very valid points, but when I say 'fun', I say that more to mean 'enjoyable'. I mean, when I watched BSG, it was grim and there was a lot of things they faced, and had forced on them. But there was also some hope, some direction, someone who kept them holding onto something. SGU doesn't have that. It has

@tobedetermined: Up Down Up Down Left Right Left Right B A B A Select Start.

I see a photo like this and expect a voice from Family Guy to start talking about how he wants Union benefits or that his right middle hoof is low on oil and needs to be WD-40'd because that's like sex to him.

@Lupison: Sam Jackson? He's obviously in there.

Who's got two thumbs and Bat Pod and is picking up the ladies?

I liked Sanctuary! I just wish they'd bring Ashley back. Feels like less of what it was without her.

I sold my 1 year old MacBook through Craigslist and we met in a public place, a crowded gas station at the end of a mini-mart thingie.

I don't care what anyone says. I liked the Hitman movie, and I was hoping this was indicative of a sequel.

@Mike Worldcrusher: I'm campaigning for Michael C Hall as the Riddler. So Joseph will be free to play Kyle Rayner.

I'm sorry but do we really need another Godzilla?

The unified world of the Justice League will always suffer from the reality that Batman just doesn't offer the same level of Super that the rest do. Somehow the comics / animated made it work, but with the world Nolan has setup, I don't see how Superman would fit in. Superman simply is not gritty. Anyone trying to

@Squirrelbot3000: Absolutely agree! I wonder if Mr. Wheaton will return for further episodes? And, i'm so so very glad that they haven't hit the big red reset button or indicated whether or not they even will ...

@OmegaVader: Agreed, but one of the problems with this idea is that Joseph looks quite a bit like Heath, and as stupid as it sounds, it may be confusing for the audience. Let's face it, in their portrayal by the media of the past, the Riddler and the Joker aren't (usually) see as that different in intent and

Oh man, I would love this! It's probably the biggest (on a dwindling list) of reasons I use Firefox still, and I really hope this becomes stable and smoooooth.

@Interstella5555: Agreed. Glad I had already seen the episode, else i'd have been disappointed. So ... a [SPOILER] notifier in the latter half of ye olde article would be greatly appreciated for those who haven't seen it yet.

@AwesomeStudios: Right, but if they did it for those of us who can't do Starcraft actions faster than some people can blink, then it would work fine.

@r33brooks: I feel like this idea is as epic as it is terrifying. And i'm not entirely sure why.

@Ultramoose: I know! I had to admit, i'd have been interested.

Pedobear = Hysterical