
Sometimes I wonder why video games have Parental controls.

@Lawlbringer: This movie sounds like it needs more explosions, slow running females, and probably Sam Jackson.

@Platypus Man: I thought the exact same thing, the moment they landed. I expected some snarky "Professor,... about the last month ..." "FRY, never speak of that again!" type of exchange. Or some off-the-cuff mention by da Vinci about his included Waste into Food Paste machine or something, and how he barely fit it

@Nikto: I love the fact that this is a show where we can ask that question, and have it responded to with complete seriousness.

@Foohy: What you have said there completely sums what I have felt so far about this season. It feels less like a continuing narrative (ala a Sit Com or something like that) and more like ... well, the Simpsons. Now, I love the Simpsons too, but there will not be any changes from episode to episode, and everything is

I was quite impressed they fit such a storyline into this episode, after what felt like very flat or small stories in the past few episodes.

@Dakiall: They were probably all in cases to make them look like 3GS's. ;)

Here is what I consider to be the biggest problem so subtly and sadly glossed over with 'it's not biggie'.

@Lightbourn: I feel there are at least a few things wrong with your statement there, the least of which is that your proposition is that all of the people who care about this problem, are Females.

@clevin: HEY. We here in No-Logic-Ville don't like yer kind!

@Wwhat: According to a article, a very reputable site, about 15 total people have purchased Photoshop.

The dogs near the NES need to either blow in it to clear the dust, or stay away to keep their hair from clogging up my Mario.

That last screenshot makes me immediately think of WoW.

I think Superman should be played by Michael C Hall.

So, for the droves of you who do not see this as the perfect Saturday movie, to get some beer and burgers, kick back and laugh at overly steroided action junkies and absurd military strategic responses to nature's latest crazy thing ...

@ilovetofu: For some reason i'm reminded of Reading Rainbow.

@RexMaximus: I think I see it as a failure in mixing, or quality of audio / acting, if you are required to turn Subtitles on to enjoy the movie without ruining your eardrums.

The costume itself isn't actually too bad. I kinda like how it looks all energized and such. I strongly dislike the mask. It looks too thin or something. Just looks wrong.