
I think you're being too quick to rule out iCloud. The exploit that was reportedly discovered over the weekend would have needed to supply the victim's iCloud ID - which is typically an email address, rather than a phone number or IMEI number. Note I said "supply" and not "know". Since the exploit allowed for a brute

Can we just explain to them that Allah is complete bullshit? If you've ever read the Koran you will learn very quickly that whoever wrote it was most likely a retarded angsty misogynistic 16 year old boy. It is so poorly written that it makes the bible look like literary genius. Seriously if you've never read it, read

I think that those extremists don't realize that it takes a bit of incentive to get people in the civilized nations outraged and rolling for a cause, because there is so little identification of the individuals with their countries and governments (and mostly rightfully so). But once they get us moving, they are going

Been a Pats fan for a while now and I've seen this dance before. Everyone complains then they go on to win like 28 games or something then lose the Superbowl. Been there done that.

Exactly, this is utterly ridiculous. Anyone who has driven down I-81 knows this is ridiculous. The area covers half of Charlottesville, and all of Harrisonburg, Staunton, and Lexington. Surprising all those college students (JMU, UVA, W&L, VMI) would forego modern electronics... Are those kids examples of "Kooky

Incognito, I believe, got a bad rap in that whole bulling thing. Undoubtedly he is an asshole but I don't think he bullied dude. If you ask me they were just two assholes whose friendship went off the rails.

Was it just me, or does it not sound that bad? She went flat for a bit on the big note towards the end, but otherwise I didn't think it was terrible.

To be honest, my first (and subsequent) take on this was: "What does he actually gain from it?" To me it just seems like he adds two potential fumbles to the play without any advantage. If he had just kept it in his right hand, nothing different would have happened.

The receiver is ineligible. He just happens to be wearing a single digit number so the officials don't notice. He actually starts the play at left guard covered up by a tackle and a split end. Should have been a penalty.

I sure hope this doesn't hurt the Red Sox' chance for the pennant this year