
As a black person, I dont speak for all black people, we are not monolithic, But reading this email, I dont think its racist, its just a business man trying to figure out why his shit is fucked up. Hes speaking frankly, and probably factually on alot of his points, Hes basically saying mix this shit up, black and

This just sounds....weird....but not totally racist. It seems he is mostly blaming the racist white ATL population ("This was just racist garbage"...mentioning that the perception of danger overwhelmed reality of attending a game...racial coding..) and some curious ways to express his feelings (his "balking" and

"this guide to plan a whole day of not watching people violently shorten their lives"

Sure if you want to be a tool and analyze the dictionary definition of destroy go ahead. Anybody with a shred of common sense would use the implied usage and be able to separate her "life being destroyed" to "getting the death penalty".

Yes. I absolutely loathe the "social justice activism" as practiced by Gawker.

Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never..... Oh fuck it lets just string someone up any opportunity we get. Lets destroy her life for being an idiot.

Even after the interview, the kid received a gift bag and gave some items to the same girl.

On the bright side, can you think of a better way to get horrible news than through non-sequitur memes?

Wow, you really showed that kid you're tougher than him.

I had a kid kicking my seat on one my last flights. He looked about 5 or 6. I craned my head back and said "Hi, could please stop kicking my seat?"

I'd also like to add; "Assholes take newborn babies on red-eye flights because well, maybe they'll sleep." I frequently take a red-eye from LA back to the east coast, and almost every single goddamn time, someone has a newborn baby on the flight screaming the entire time when the other 250 people on the plane WANT TO

I'd like add Assholes let their young children "free range" down the aisle because the kid can't get "lost."

I think he was just scared that finger gun was real

After the 1991 civil war in Somali, many refugees came to the united states via kenya. The federal government assigns a place to live, based on volunteer organizations that are contracted out. Minnesota just happens to have many of these organizations, like Lutheran Social Services and the Minnesota International

I think you're being too quick to rule out iCloud. The exploit that was reportedly discovered over the weekend would have needed to supply the victim's iCloud ID - which is typically an email address, rather than a phone number or IMEI number. Note I said "supply" and not "know". Since the exploit allowed for a brute

Been a Pats fan for a while now and I've seen this dance before. Everyone complains then they go on to win like 28 games or something then lose the Superbowl. Been there done that.

Exactly, this is utterly ridiculous. Anyone who has driven down I-81 knows this is ridiculous. The area covers half of Charlottesville, and all of Harrisonburg, Staunton, and Lexington. Surprising all those college students (JMU, UVA, W&L, VMI) would forego modern electronics... Are those kids examples of "Kooky

Incognito, I believe, got a bad rap in that whole bulling thing. Undoubtedly he is an asshole but I don't think he bullied dude. If you ask me they were just two assholes whose friendship went off the rails.

Was it just me, or does it not sound that bad? She went flat for a bit on the big note towards the end, but otherwise I didn't think it was terrible.

I sure hope this doesn't hurt the Red Sox' chance for the pennant this year