
No, you are not. I don't get the love for her here, and I said so last week. I think it's just that she's "normal" and lively, unlike everyone else.

Totally agree on Martha. But then I don't get the Young-Hee love in general. Yes, she IS a bright spot in the show, being normal (not in the intel world) and innocent and vivacious, and a real friend to Elizabeth. I dunno.

It may have been me. And if so, I *was* gentle. Last week I said that I deliberately don't watch the "next week on's" and wish I didn't now know that Pastor Tim was going to disappear (although I wish they BOTH would disappear permanently!) However — if it was something shown at the end of the episode — that was NOT

How kind of you to reply! But as long as SOMETHING happens to the odious Pastor T . . . I forgive you : )

I deliberately don't watch the previews, so wish I didn't know this. Tried to skim down quickly, but was't fast enough.

From your mouth to God's ears.

Mine was a 1965 Chrysler Newport station wagon!

And if you resist, they have a way of making you wrong about that too — that it just proves how much you need it. So it's a step more insidious than MLM (which I despise.)

I'm another one here who got hectored into the Landmark Forum. It IS manipulative and commercial.

Agree completely — she couldn't have described it better. A scam for the gullible.
