
Spoiler alert: In the end it turns out that they were all playing the newest installment of Existenz.

My parents worked in family law when I was growing up. We (my sister and I) understood from a young age that we were never to date a policeman. Ever. According to my mother the only people more “guaranteed” (not even “likely”) to be batterers were prison guards. Which became a thing in my teens when they they built a

As long as daddy has a job for him he’ll do fine. So we have to hope daddy is a broke, unemployed drunk with no connections. But that photo just screams, “My daddy owns a local car dealership.”

100% agree. This guy was an asshole. Every time he did one of these walks he was threatening a whole host of innocent bystanders and professionals with having to deal with his violent, messy death. Every time. It’s not just the actual park rangers and emergency crew and morticians that have to deal with THIS failed

That is almost comically villainous. Did anyone ever point it out?

Farm Sanctuary is an awesome consciousness raising organization, but I don’t really think that consumer buying power can possibly put a dent in this industry. I don’t realistically foresee a backlash against factory farmed meat anytime soon. Part of the problem is that most people in the industrial world are raised

I don’t understand how it’s an economically feasible endeavor on any level when you lay it out like that.

That guy is obviously a quack for so many reasons. What kind of therapist tries to instill anger where there is none? But I think it’s worth pointing out that he is further evidence of a direct correlation between people pushing non-interested or not-yet interested parties towards adoption and people being assholes.

Again, my post wasn't about men.

You totally missed the point of my post, which was not about men.

No dude. Only in the minds of rom-com script writers are women locked in war with one another.

I didn’t say nothing has changed. I said nothing has changed for the better. We’ve gained ground on some fronts and lost it on others. It’s a wash.

Let’s also add to the list people who watch Sons of Anarchy and sympathize with the characters, people who think American History X was a good movie and sympathize with the characters, and people who think Sherlock from the new BBC series is a sexy and/or cool.

I think the senator probably is not remembering what she heard correctly. I’m sure she heard American Indian. As others have pointed out, American Indian, not Native American, is actually the term that many, if not most, American Indian activists prefer. “Native American” is usually used by white people and has a

Probably not. Nothing against the show itself. But a lot of people who are fans actually feel nostalgic for the culture of misogyny and racism that it represents.

Exactly. The position of “I’m a feminist but not angry” is something that women are forced to learn to affect in their teens and early twenties. It’s a pre-fab feminism that mass media pushes hard. But just as you say, the victories that women made in the sixties and seventies have all been reconfigured as defeats. We

If you think anything has changed for the better you haven’t been in the workforce long enough. Angry should still be the default position.

“Many people are in relationships in which both partners practice abusive behavior.” No. That’s false. Abuse represents an imbalance of power that is present and consistent throughout a relationship.

Yeah, I know that I would definitely want to publicly humiliate the person I was terrified of. Like if I were with a guy, who was unpredictably violent, I would totally pull down his boxers so everyone could get a good flash while we were out on the town.

Yeah, but we do know for a fact that HE is an abuser. And we know that most male abusers will accuse their victims of domestic abuse at some point. So... this is not a case where both scenarios are equally credible on any level.