
Not to be a killjoy because she is Queen, but for the sake of accuracy: she has won 25 world championship medals total, which is a record for both men and women (extra impressive because men compete on 6 events to women’s 4, and so have more opportunities to medal). She has won 19 world GOLD medals. Add to these her

I love her so very much.

Will make exactly the same amount of difference as did proving he grabbed women by the pussy and had an affair.


That did make me laugh, thank you! You’re right about the emotionally manipulative advertising, and I’m such a sensitive sucker for it. Hate to think how bad it’d get if I actually did get pregnant! Awww, that makes sense about the magazine, sounds like it hit some underlying anxieties and insecurities that are (I

Dude, I’m a blubbering mess at my desk just reading your description of the grown man still journeying with the aging dog who loyally accompanied his boyhood.... and I’m not pregnant (though maybe a bit stressed). I’m curious about what was in the design magazine though.

This is an entire generation whose schooling experience has been shaped by fear and threat of terror. I can’t imagine what it must be like as a young person going to school the day after a mass school shooting has occurred in the same country. And yet this is their experience, again and again, on pretty much a monthly

Right, just because the internet is unlimited, does not mean that all spaces, nor all commentators are equal. Just the same as IRL, we have unlimited freedom to talk, but some people and spaces get heard more than others. The internet is unlimited but reader’s time and attention is not. If the system is set up to

Part of me wonders if this is just a genius marketing conspiracy cooked up between the two of them for mutual benefit. If it was I would have a lot more respect for both parties.

I was at that Auckland Adele show (2 nights ago; different time zone) as she, drenched in rain, told us we would likely never see her again, and while I am broken hearted I am so grateful for her bravery and resilience in battling through all that fear and anxiety to allow us to hear her. We were all crying at the end.

Oh biology and culture absolutely work in synthesis. The point is, you have to look at both together. And it’s much more parsimonious to consider the influence of local cultural context before leaping to evolutionary explanations.

The NZ 9-11 year olds I did my doctoral research with thought they were rich. On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is the richest, they put ‘most kids at their school’ between 4 and 9. Most of them put themselves above a 6. Only one child chose a two.

They fell quiet with shock when their teacher told them they were ‘ones’ (as

Evolutionary biology is usually fine. It’s evolutionary psychologists, like this muppet, who don’t seem to have a good grasp on either evolution, nor psychology, and have never heard of a little thing called culture.


Yes, just think of all those sons and brothers and fathers who have to watch their mothers and sisters and daughters come forward with this. So stressful, so upsetting.

Little girl has spent her life being unwanted, uses her imagine to cope in greatest display of child resilience. Thinks someone finally wants to adopt her, finds out it’s a mistake, is heartbroken. Carries on, eventually winning the hearts of the people who adopted her and finding the love and family she always