
Its not an insult to either property (I am a fan of both)…but to completely ignore the setting and subject matter, as well as (what Capcom thought) was satire about American culture is just a bit silly don't you think?
Yes, Pinback_Sherman is right, they didn't owe them anything…but even being taken to court over

It really is… So much so that the cover of the first game had a court mandated explanation that said they had no affiliation.

I wish I hadn't gotten that reference…

A treatment basically boils down to a story breakdown. It's usually only a few pages and basically just pitches the story before one goes on to write the script.
It's basically done to a) show what you have in mind b) to allow the studio to see what you're up to and make suggestions before the script is written.

Handler? I hardly knew 'er…wait…no…no…

How do you know?

I think you're seemingly blocking out that "Not here" is hardly the end of the scene. She says "Not here" at first, to try and stop him with reason… He definitely forces her after that. If they intended it to be ambiguous (as the producers insist) then something was definitely lost in the editing.

- Anakin "Street Rat" Skywalker

Interesting move, that's for sure. It's definitely a lower profile flick though, the budget is rumoured to be around the million mark. So quality or not I'd say a digital release is not necessarily a bad sign. Films that small rarely have a release platform, and this looks to be the goal of his new Bellwether Pictures

I'm curious, is Veep generally well regarded? I've caught a few episodes and couldn't stand it, which rare for me and a comedy series.

The Gentleman!

"FXX's Fargo brought to you by Arbys. Arbys home of the Big Beef 'N Cheddar"

"I say to you, "Don't think about elephants." What are you thinking about?"

Cue "From a certain point of view…" jokes…

Actually I had thought the same thing about Hannigan… Anyways, that was just my read on it. Cause I'm a glass half-drunk kinda guy. Maybe it'll end up being like a litmus test for folks' emotional spectrums.

It's weird in that I don't dislike the ending of the show for the reasons I initially thought. I do think the last two minutes were executed terribly and completely blew past the emotional beats necessary to stick the landing on any poignant meaning. If they didn't want people guessing the ending fine (though while

Very very true.

It's weird…cause they included Bubastis who is basically only in story to set up the genetic engineering plotline. I never minded though…because Bubastis just kicks ass.

Now this? This I can get behind.

You're correct, it is an opinion, I should have clarified. My point is, in a story about the cold war and a societal fear of nuclear winter… a giant dead alien squid doesn't really have the same punch. Again, an opinion. (Because apparently we have to state this explicitly now)