
Did you notice when Lenny was looking out the Clockworks window there was a huge statue of the dog carving on the roof?

You didn't deserve to die for drinking and driving as a teen. You deserve to die if you really believe the shit you're spewing in these comments.

I can't understand why Bonnie is into him either. I know people fall for all kinds of losers and assholes all the time but their relationship just doesn't ring true for me.

So professional? Casually dropping a 'you're pregnant' bomb, an awkward hug, just assuming she wants an abortion, letting her walk out without treatment or sending in another doctor are not at all professional.

Yes! I've seen it before on real housewife of Atlanta so I got excited & wish I could figure out the brand.

Ha! I'm glad you got a kick out of it. It's a quote from David Byrne's movie True Stories. John Goodman's character describes himself as having a very consistent panda bear shape which cracks me up every time. Pandas are just so ridiculously cute. I watch the San Diego Zoo panda cam! Awhile back I visited and got so

I was hoping you'd comment about the dog! I got really excited to see it too and thought 'I bet that AV commenter with the beach avatar is really happy right now.' At first I thought it would just be a brief flash but then we got some Brace and pup lovin which made me feel so better about him being left behind. I'm

I didn't get that vibe at all from their hug. I saw her feeling protective of someone she loves, especially because he's in child form, combined with her experiencing the comfort of a hug which she normally can't.

Because it's not.

I've never been so excited for a show. I even watched it twice even though its just a deflating Santa & my boyfriend was looking at me like I'm crazy. Season 2 was so amazing & this one has my forever imaginary boyfriend, Ewan McGregor…as twins!

I think that comment was about what qualifies as a career for the moms, not actual household income. For the moms like Madeline who make under 150k, it's not considered an actual career and more like something to do when the kids are at school and is wrapped up in the judgements between working and stay at home moms.

I was struck by how beautiful she is in the scene of her taking photos of her twins at sunset. The way the golden sunlight reflected on her combined with the autumn color palette of her hair, sweater, and sun glasses was the best she's ever looked to me.

I wanted Marnie to rip that stupid necklace off him so bad! C'mon girl, he's annoying enough without a necklace slapping your face with every pathetic thrust.

I'm curious as well, especially because both of the daughters are the same age so either he was cheating or their relationship ended when she was pregnant and shortly after yoga wife got pregnant. Unless I'm really confused but they're in the same class and yoga wife made it really clear they were half sisters.

James & Zilpha don't have the same mother.

With this being the 6th season, I was really afraid that all the douche bros who are so offended by her nudity would have given up watching but there you are! Don't forget to chime in every episode to let us know how uncomfortable it makes you and how awful the show is.

Me too. I was very happy to see the greyhound in the kitchen with Brace. I love dogs and I love Tom Hardy for loving dogs.

Yes! The greyhound was lying on the floor in the kitchen with Brace in the last episode.

Seriously. She's an all around awful person who apparently doesn't care enough about him to get his name right or do a google image search to find they were on the cover of The Advocate together.

Thank you. I didn't think anything could make me feel even the tiniest bit better tonight but your comment did.