
Many have tried kinja on other sites & already know what a shit show it is so there's no 'give it a chance.' I'm out. No, it's not the end of the world but it's the end of community that many of us are rightfully sad about.

This is the kind of thing I'm going to miss. I have no idea what you're talking about but it made me chuckle.

I come here just for the comments too. With reviews by hacks like Zack Handlen who lack basic comprehension skills (I just couldn't resist one last Handlen criticism) I usually skip straight to the comments because you all are awesome so I'm real sad that the only site I read comments on is on it's way to Suck Town.

No doubt that I'd drink cyanide kool-aid just to escape from kinja Ernie's smug condescension.

So you're just going ignore the whole Lena Headey rape scene and Snyder's general penchant for showing women getting raped? I'm thinking you might be able to tie that shit in with the whole alt-right angle you're going with but ok let's talk about her ridiculous lines.

'Biology for Foreign Men' music video

Ok you got me there. They really did jump the shark with that one.

Every episode so far has definitely earned that A-.

Which has been an issue since the voting age went down to 18 in the early 70s so not something you can blame on Gen X which is the point I was trying to make.

What are you talking about a "damaging don't vote" Gen X ethos? I watched a whole lot MTV in the early 90s and they didn't shut up about Rock the Vote.

"Listen" to her about what? She won't present any sort of argument or rebuttal against his bullshit, just a platform that will normalize him. I see what you're saying about her being more appealing to conservatives but I think you're giving both too much credit. Only thing I'd like her to do is to go away and take her

Sure a talented investigative reporter could hand him his ass but you must not be familiar with Megyn Kelly.

You're expecting way too much from Handlen. Dude is lucky to get basic facts right.

Well that did it and a quick google search later I was pleasantly surprised and cracking up. I thought it was going to be bloody gross but most poop stuff I react to like an 8 year old boy. If I ever shit in the shower, it'll be rough times but I'll fondly think of you officer meow meow fuzzyface.

I'm trying really hard to not google what waffle stomping is since I just ate but dammit I just might have to let my curiousity get the best of me.

Me too. There were definitely some dumb parts but some stuff towards the end really freaked me out and I usually don't scare easily.

I'm thinking they'd be very motivated to keep them separated to help ensure another riot doesn't get organized, like the prison version of union busting. Obviously the show is going to keep most of them together but I really doubt that in real life, any of the organizers would ever see each other in prison again.

She'll shoot her eye out.

I gave up reading his reviews a long time ago so let's just say Handlen reviewing any show, especially Fargo, doesn't sit well with me.

Talking to dogs is never unnecessary. Hearing them talking is another story though.