She was asking you to buy her album, if that. Being tortured is a separate thing that is not really open to speculation, this isn’t a tough concept unless you’re having a rough day and feeling particularly inhuman and unduly cynical.
She was asking you to buy her album, if that. Being tortured is a separate thing that is not really open to speculation, this isn’t a tough concept unless you’re having a rough day and feeling particularly inhuman and unduly cynical.
Seen and not heard wasn’t enough! He had to have both!
It was sometime before the Y2K crisis. I was enjoying some quality AOL time while my mother did the dishes, you see I wasn’t really allowed to use the computer or even allowed to be seen in public when my step-father was around, and he happened to at work, praise Jesus.
Yeah man, being one of the biggest perpetuators of economic imposition in our country is a totally bro move McyDees! Good lookin ‘out!
Did nobody suggest fucking this Robin Thicke instead?
Every time I read or listen to something about ‘Upward Mobility’ it inevitably and inescapably makes the presumption that moving up as a POC or a woman or any other minority in a rigged system designed for cisgender white men has a positive connotation; that it is something to be proud of oneself for and aspire to.
Art is pretty neat! I wandered a bit, though I think I brought it up because of the intense sense of fetishization of celebrity I see most anywhere I look. I watched the interview and was motivated to opine on the state of media today, in the sense that we all have talents and we can now all document them and publish…
Well thanks for helping me clarify. I prefer discussion of the work and not the creator of the work is what I was trying and failing to edge at. ‘For the money art tends’ to be what I see most things as, at least initially, I try not to be cynical, however!
It’s precisely because I value art and expression that I dislike the fetishization of artists and not their art. But it’s a winding silly thing to discuss so frankly online, most likely!
I don’t think there is really away to quantify how much we should appreciate art or how much we maybe over fetishize artists, either way. Expression is often the only way to deal or understand things, I suppose I meant to stress the commodification of art and the culture of celebrity than art itself.
I can get something and not like it, I can like it and not get it. I can like it and get it! I can get it, like it and not think it’s worth going viral, I can get it, not like it and not think it’s worth going viral.
I’m in a really bad place right now. I love music and art as much as the next person. I just don’t idolize or fetishize it. It’s just dancing, cool, you can dance, you’re not some paragon of humanities potential, you can dance. Some people can lead, some can organize, some can sculpt, some can dance. I don’t…
But like, who is more ~grande~ Ariana ~Grande~ or ~Big~ Sean?
lol ok yeah unlimited growth, I got it. Seems like it’s working really well!
Lol wait how are we ranking the skills needed and labor exerted at various jobs?
Lol why would there be a society with jobs that are only meant to be transitory? How is that sustainable?
No. Hope this helps.
Is it OK to not like Amy Schumer much? I find her brand of satire/commentary/comedy a bit too obvious and conveniently abrasive, and not very clever or insightful, I feel the same way about Louis. C.K.
Actually, it’s about ethics in Abortion Rights Legislation
I try not to swear much these days but wot the fuck m8?