
Yeah, but can she fly and shoot lasers? I've got to know.

God, this is going to set back terribly superficial couples AND Italian American stereotypes at least 2-4 years!

Yes, yes, but that was so long ago!

I'm Emma Goldman, sex is no longer enjoyable for me either.

Sex? Drunk? Good luck!!!

What I took from this is that being able to find a keep a job is good.

I literally started smoking again after seeing like 3 days in a row of MRA posts on imgur, which I joined to try to relax and browse memes.

God, why can't you people just let me believe what I like about you?

Lol so deliberately wrong and condescending, I give your troll 2.5/10.


Love my Senior Black Correspondent.

Hey, they're almost as easy to please as Mr. or Ms. "brown."

Just wanted an excuse to post this gif, don't mind me.

Simply "brown" has got to turn up exactly what you were looking for, right?

As a male, I would not buy or use one, but I would vigorously stroke one to examine it's craftsmanship.

Hey man I still listen to Bright Eyes!