
Don’t forget mother jones, you big pussy.

Trigger warning!!! You snowflakes!! So bold and in my face.

Beta males

Take a pill, dude.

His argument seems as valid as most anti trump rants from the left.

That’s what you get for not hailing to the chimp.

It was better before Scott walker? Way to play to the echo chamber. Here’s your fish, you clapping seal.

Have you been to Hartford? Chimp out

Your post is dumb. Do you read articles on losing weight and then write “oh diet and exercise, who would have guessed.”

What’s next? Women will have to pay for their own birth control?

I think you like it.

But he was disrespected. That is a powerful insult in the African community.

Unskilled zeros were only paid 6.80 an hour? Shocking.

Why didn’t you order the book you wanted? Dipshit

You think penalties help teams achieve goals? You here for the Jezebel articles?

...and he is not in office yet.

Indians are stupid.

Not as prepared as the last community organizer? I find that hard to believe. Well, it shouldn’t take too much effort to repeal obamas shitty executive orders. Enjoy it.

Maybe she placed it herself.

Because of all her noted military experience mentioned above??