
Uh...don’t forget the violence at trump rallies was caused by paid democrat instigators.

Like Calum mcswiggan and his false police report about being “gay bashed?” Or what Ashley Powell did at the university of buffalo?

That was a fierce and hot take!!


Your boyfriend seems like a little bitch

Boo fucking hoo

Do tell. What is it?

Could have been a black person who painted that. You don’t know.

Jesus. The Russians almost got him. Not the USA. You are a grade a dip shit.

You sound like a dipshit sports radio caller. Duh, Hampton and Samari Mike will coach the defense. Payton will be offensive coordinator and Fencik will be the head coach.

What homophobic thing did trump say?

You seem like a thoughtful, reasonable, and objective fellow.

As opposed to what black candidates???

Obama had a higher percentage of white voters than Kerry, gore, and Clinton (first election). But for this election lets just call whites racists rather than blame trump’s majorly flawed opponent.

Didn’t whites vote for Obama? Twice? Now they are racists?

Too bad your team didn’t show up to vote.


Great point. Poling in the United States is spot on. Douche.

Durr, the editors of this site don’t like trump so you made a funny about Trump. Lame post, you approval seeking weasel.

Why do you douches always call him by his last name?