
Diversity for the sake thereof is bullshit.

Shouldn’t the cabinet be made up of the most qualified people regardless of color or gender?

They failed themselves. This isn’t to be laid at the feet of anyone else - and, thankfully, you don’t have the authority to lay anything at anyone else’s feet.

They may have been bad apples but they still should have survived to be held accountable for their actions.

How dare they. This might encourage men to become good fathers who take care of their children and love their wives!

You have an odd definition of cruelty. And fairly thin skin for an internet denizen.

threatening to arrest us for vandalizing state property.

Nah, he just prefers to bomb folks extrajudicially with drones.

Oh look, yet another drummed up controversy. I guess gawker’s really on hard times now since that judgment came down.

but that doesn’t equate to pay the women less.

That being said, they have U.S. Soccer dead to rights.

Let the women’s team play the men’s team and we’ll see who deserves what kind of pay.

Now, for another annoying subject: reporters. People of the media are often recklessly devious and deceptive. Recent polls have shown that the general public is wise to the act. Journalism—if you even want to call it that, these days—is widely considered one of the most untrustworthy professions in the United States.