
While I agree that police wearing bodycams while on duty is a good thing, I still question how we deal with the privacy rights of the public, how videos are handled (and by whom) and standardization of when the cameras may be operated and if they can be turned on/off by the officers.

But now we’ve observed your understanding and so you must be destroyed.

Feel free to call people who hold different beliefs than yourself whatever you like, it really doesn’t matter as it simply shows you to be a small man.

Is the liberal progressive mind not powerful enough to be able to comprehend that what happened to Mr. Gray was morally objectionable AND that rioting, looting, assault and arson are also morally objectionable?

Three police officers on bikes chased him and eventually caught him, and arrested him, and ruptured his spine, and waited 45-minutes before getting him medical care.

Baltimore Mayor Accurately Describes Criminals, Jezebel Clutches Pearls

I’ve flown model R/C planes for years. Never really got into the drone thing. But I was wondering, could you just swap out the receiver on one of these things to use with you’re own radio gear?

Not only is the woman not funny, she’s not even good at finding something worth being outraged about.

have seeked

People didn’t choose not to show up because of the girl, they chose not to show up because of the parents.

Go schill for hillary on gawker.

The whole damn thing is overkill for a facebook machine.

Two half hitches is by far my favorite and most used knot.

It's seems we have a harsh allergic reaction to facts.


But people still called it Government Motors because they’re idiots

Burbank is the shit. The people are friendly, you can board at the front AND rear of the plan simultaneously and parking is convenient and cheap.

It makes me wonder what could happen with a little organization behind the scenes. How long until an Anonymous-like group starts to orchestrate large-scale Yelp takedowns of chains? One could see a targeted attack on Chick-fil-A franchises all over the country due to their anti-gay sentiments. Or a women’s health

Adblock Plus is your friend.

Never fuck around with mountain lions. It wasn't that she didn't know you were there. It's that she didn't find an opportunity to attack. I've had them track me completely unaware over a long distance, it's not fun when you realize you're prey.