
Then a wise parent would not fucking buy them in the first place.

The gene pool is in need of a little chlorine anyway.

If another animal species has a problem with our subjugation of them, then they should rise up and defeat us.

I don't see you arguing that you disagree with the assertion that Andrews is not good at her job and occupies her current position simply because of her outward appearance. Nor do you disagree that if, in fact, she were 15 lbs heavier she would likely not be in the position she currently finds herself.

Yes and I believe we've not attempted to bring back throwing workers into the meat grinder even without government influence.

No, your point was for government regulation/interference.

Like regulatory bodies established by the government aren't?

and that people should not be deprived of their constitutional rights when they act collectively.

I have an Asus GTX660TI and I find it does the job quite well.

Sorry to be the case in point as to thermal past (assholes/opinions):

Breakthroughs in science are what has propelled us forward as a species. Being able to produce crops to feed 7+ Billion people in an ever changing environment is a good thing.

They make a creme for that now, so no worries.

I sincerely miss the excitement of watching manned spacecraft launches.

Someone has been reading the Jaberwocky:


(women: make everything you consume with your own hands or risk rape!)

The driver and Thorgalsen are pissing on that social contract.

1. Buy HP printer

If automakers did open up B2C locations, I don't think NADA's vision with regards to service/repairs would come to fruition. Even now, it's a big claim for dealers to say that their mechanics/techs are factory certified wouldn't that be even more the case across the board?

You might be interested in the documentary One Six Right it tells the story of the Van Nuys airport and has some images of what the valley was like in the early 20th century.