
I know, maybe they just need some help, a little bail out. After all they're too big to fail, they make such great decisions.

Then you need to catch Lawrence O'donnell's show on MSNBC sometime. He is a nut.

For starters you sure as hell don't speak for me, let alone any other semblance of a community, save for the one you've imagined in your head.

You keep using the word "We".

You must be outside of your goddamn mind.

This is my favorite place to shop on the citadel.

Feinstein, Jackson Lee, Pelosi, Reid, Obama...

I think that maybe we need to turn off the internet for a few weeks. Then we can all come back and use it when we're calmed down.

I see your handy dandy chart there represents only the average values for Republicans. If it were broken out in a similar fashion, perhaps it would not be so misleading.

Have you watched MSNBC? Sometimes, just for fun, I flip between FNC & MSNBC for a good laugh.

You really can't help being that obtuse can you?

Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

I always cut to KTLA (channel 5) when a car chase is on. They never hesitate to preempt their broadcast because their broadcast is shit.

I don't know who had the hardest job

For me, I like the eggs frying on the counter in Ghostbusters.

Tried to sell soul to Satan: insufficient funds.

I suppose I'm just odd, however, I always liked being by myself and experiencing Albion. Moving through towns like Oakvale or Wraithmarsh and listening to the varied music and sounds which accompanied them day or night was fun.

The music brings back good memories. ME is my favorite trilogy of games bar none.

And there are 300 million fewer people.