
I would highly recommend a Bluetooth USB audio adapter for the dock. This allows you to pair any bluetooth headphones to the Switch while it is docked, meaning you can play on your TV and blast the sound without waking up others in the house. I’ve logged a lot of late-night plays this way while the kids are asleep.

This reminds me of how you cook risotto. Makes a lot of sense.

Milk and vinegar works, too (it “sours” the milk).

I totally disagree with this approach. In problem solving, it is often best to tackle the simplest problems first and work your way up to the more difficult ones. I find this also to be the case when working on small and large projects. Not only does this help you get warmed up, but it also builds a strong mental

I've found exactly this happening to me when I go on long camping trips. I'll want to go to bed around 8 or 9 pm (when I usually go to bed much later) and I'm up at 5 as the sun starts to come up.

Consequently, a lot of observers are reading between the lines of Ubisoft's comments and concluding that the publisher could have made Unity run at a higher resolution of the PS4, but didn't. Because of parity.

It's amazing how liberating having less income can be. From a great New Yorker article this week, "As the income gap in the U.S. has widened, it's actually lower-wage workers who have ended up with the most leisure. And it's high earners who report feeling the most time pressure."

Jason, I totally agree with you here. To add to your points, excellent technical artistry is a huge part of the best works of music and film as well — it's just that they're often overlooked nowadays because there is a certain standard of quality that people have become accustomed to for these mediums.

It's also clear from the footage that this new game lacks the graphical detail, complexity, and epic scope that made Ikaruga so amazing.

I think what's more likely to happen over time is that we will change the way we feel about game ownership. This has already happened with movies, TV shows and music, where we are more than happy to subscribe to online cloud services that will stream an item from a catalogue — a catalogue, mind you, that is larger

"Soap" in Korean.

I'll do what I want with my money! Like buy a netbook, or a bunch of baseball cards, or hell, maybe I'll dump it all in Zynga stock! You can't tell me what to do!

Or it could be the plot of a Toy Story-like movie, where all the unbought Wii-U's try and figure out a way to get into people's homes before those evil shipping cartons arrive.

I'm as disappointed as the next guy who doesn't have a Windows phone/tablet (which is most people) but this is a great strategy by Microsoft to pull some users into their ecosystem. Halo did sell a bunch of Xboxes after all.

I'm a little confused as to why there's so much buzz about Virtual Console games like this and Super Mario World lately. Weren't all of these also available on Wii's Virtual Console years back? Is there any difference here or is it simply the ability to share your experience through Miiverse that's novel?

Yeah, it just sounds like she needs a vacation.

I guess we now know what Peter Molyneux thinks of himself whenever he makes a game.

I will probably be one of those "new" Xbox 360 people come fall.

I wrote a little thing about the benefits of being late to play this generation of games (and why it makes the decision about buying a next-gen system easy). If you're interested:…