
Yes. Also 28 years old. Grew up in Colorado.

What you just described, every bit is me. When a fictional character says, “My friends, you bow to no one” I blubber my eyes out. When the news says, “X number of people killed in latest shootout,” I just sigh and eat another chip.

I was thinking about this on Sunday as I watched the news all day. Or rather I was thinking something sort of similar - when I paused to watch a story about a boy whose dead beat dad mugged an elderly lady while she was visiting her husband’s grave. He stole 700 bucks or so off of her, was identified and caught later.

I am the exact same age as you are. I remember after Charlie Hebdo my friend and I were both like, “Only 12 people? That is not very many.” And then we were both upset that we are so used to this shit happening over and over that it doesn’t hurt anymore.

Same here. I live in Orlando, and when I woke up to find that 50 were killed Saturday night/Sunday morning, I teared up and let out one sob and then stopped. I can’t cry anymore. I remember crying watching those young people escaping from Columbine High School, and now, when this happens in my own city, I feel sad, I

I don’t think about the victims, and their families whose lives were just shredded. Because I can’t. Because to think about it and morn it, would be my entire life at this point. It would be every day.

I am exactly like you. I remember Columbine vividly. I remember the newspaper on the floor of my grandmothers house and looking at the pictures of all the kids who had died. Just lined up like in a yearbook.

I feel the same way. I used to cry and be shocked, and have goosebumps. And now. Nothing, just a total lack of surprise. It’s like you told me it’s going to rain tomorrow. And that is a tragedy that I am no longer affected. I think it’s because I don’t let it sink in anymore. I don’t think about the victims, and their

I was 11 years old when Columbine happened. It was shocking, it was sad, it was enraging - I felt it all. I’m 28 now, and I no longer have feelings about shootings. I feel nothing. They’ve been a part of my life for too long. I’ve had 17 years of the news being peppered with phrases like “mass shooting”, “armed



That may be the worst part, that you can’t ever talk about the negative aspects of having big boobs or your negative experiences without someone rolling their eyes and telling you you should be grateful to have them. Yeah, I’m so fucking grateful that having big tits since I was 12 has made people feel like they're

cosigned by a fellow large-breast-haver.

THIS. Some other commenters seem to feel this article is a humblebrag, or the “jealousy” comments are unfair, but I feel her story so hard. This and many, many other similar situations have happened to me. I have DDDs and I love them—not complaining here. Had to start wearing a bra in 4th grade, which sucked, but I

This is correct.

Growing up, my smaller-breasted sisters were allowed to wear tank tops and I was not. In St. Louis summers, where the heat can often reach 110 degrees, this always seemed remarkably punitive to me, considering that I had no control over my early development or the ultimate size of my breasts. I would have loved

I know enough women with large breasts that constantly interfere with their day to day activities that I generally don’t get a humblebrag vibe from this kind of thing.

Odds are, it’s really not. Having a smaller frame and oversized ta-tas means facing a world of judgement. I could give you dozens of examples from my teens and twenties.

Okay as someone who has actually dealt with the shit you get when you have large breasts, this is not a humblebrag. Big boobs are not a luxury contrary to popular belief, they are a pain in the ass. And the worst part is you aren’t even allowed to vent about them without someone saying, “I would kill for big boobs!”

God, tell me about it! I remember trying on bridesmaids dresses for a family wedding as a barely 20 year old and feeling SO inappropriate because of my breast size...I remember the comments from my own family about it...